Düşleyebileceğin Tek Yer…
(English Below!)
4-12 Kasım 2017
Artist Ütopya 2017
27. İstanbul Sanat Fuarı
Tüyap Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi, Büyükçekmece - İstanbul
Dilan Bozyel
İnsel İnal
Berna Kurt
Maria Papadimitriou
Yusuf Murat Şen
Krassimir Terziev
Küratör: Fırat Arapoğlu
Tasarım: Öznur Işır Yarkataş
Çeviri: Kardelen Erkmen
“Var olan toplumsal koşulların değişimi üzerine olan inançtır, Ütopya.
O halde “ideal” bir coğrafyayı işaret eden “ütopya” kavramı üzerine neler söylenebilir? Ütopyanın aktüel bir gerçekliğinin olmadığı ve yakın vadede ele geçirilmesinin mümkün olmadığı iddia edilmekte. Peki, ya aslında ütopyalarda hayal edilen geleceklerin henüz oluşum halinde olduğu bir zamanda yaşıyorsak?
Spekülatif bir gelecek kurgusunun iki ucu: Ütopya ve Distopya. Bu iki alan, modern gerçeklikle daimi bir çelişki yaratırken, öte yandan toplum nezdinde hep bir vizyonu da çizmektedir. Herkes, ister bilimkurgusal bir tasarımı ister temsili bir düşünme pratiğini işaret etsin, bu hikayelerden etkilendi/etkilenmekte. Hepimiz öyle ya da böyle bu kurguları merak ettik ve her birini okuduğumuzda, hayalimizde bu kurguyla hayatın nasıl olacağına dair düşüncelerle dolduk. Kaç farklı gelecek türü bizi etkilemedi ki? Ütopik dünyaların amaç ve anlamlarıyla distopik olanların farkları nedir ve birbirlerinden nasıl ayrılırlar? İşte bu sorular, bu serginin ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu. Sahi, her yapıt bir ütopya ya da distopya değil midir?”
The Only Place Where You Can Dream…
Mustafa Avcı
Dilan Bozyel
İnsel İnal
Berna Kurt
Maria Papadimitriou
Yusuf Murat Şen
Krassimir Terziev
Curator: Fırat Arapoğlu
Design: Öznur Işır Yarkataş
Translation: Kardelen Erkmen
Artist Ütopya 2017 – 27th İstanbul Art Fair
November 4-12, 2017
“Utopia is the belief about the change of the existing conditions.
In that case, what can be said about the concept of “utopia” referring to an “ideal” geography? It is claimed that utopia doesn’t have any actual reality and that it isn’t possible to carry it out in the near future. So, what if we live in a time when the tomorrows imagined in utopias are in the formation process?
Two edges of a speculative fiction of the future: Utopia and Dystopia. These two spaces create a permanent conflict with modern reality, while determining a vision in the presence of society. Everyone was/is influenced by these stories whether it refers to a science-fictional design or representative thinking practice. We all wonder about these fictions in one way or another and when we read each of them, we are filled with thoughts about how life would be like with these fictions. We have been influenced by many types of future, haven’t we? What are the differences between the aims and meanings of utopic and dystopic worlds and how do they differ from each other? These questions inspired this exhibition. Really, isn’t every work a utopia or a dystopia?”
The Only Place Where You Can Dream…
ARTIST 2017 / 27th Istanbul Art Fair deals with utopias under three categories: historical, conceptual and actual. We embark upon an expedition to utopias with exhibitions, concerts, performances, discussions, workshops, screenings and publications. We reach from 13th century Anatolian dervishes and Şeyh Bedreddin to the Soviet Avant-garde, from cyborgs and science fiction to alternative economies, ecological movements, and pedagogic experiences. We discuss the political aspects of the different concepts of temporality borne by utopia. We try to comprehend the perception of history today that makes utopias impossible. We call for discussions of utopia as a concept across relationships of nostalgia and freedom, politics and esthetics, art and design. "Realist Utopias" have room for production and consumption cooperatives that have become more important amidst waves of financial crises, queer and feminist lifestyles, and utopias that breathe in the body and nature.
ARTIST 2017 / 27th İstanbul Art Fair, as part of the event, will host the exhibition “The Only Place Where You Can Dream…” consisting of works of Mustafa Avcı, Dilan Bozyel, İnsel İnal, Berna Kurt, Maria Papadimitriou, Krassimir Terziev & Yusuf Murat Şen and curated by Fırat Arapoğlu between November 4-12, 2017.
In that case, what can be said about the concept of “utopia” referring to an “ideal” geography? It is claimed that utopia doesn’t have any actual reality and that it isn’t possible to carry it out in the near future. So, what if we live in a time when the tomorrows imagined in utopias are in the formation process?
Two edges of a speculative fiction of the future: Utopia and Dystopia. These two spaces create a permanent conflict with modern reality, while determining a vision in the presence of society. Everyone was/is influenced by these stories whether it refers to a science-fictional design or representative thinking practice. We all wonder about these fictions in one way or another and when we read each of them, we are filled with thoughts about how life would be like with these fictions. We have been influenced by many types of future, haven’t we? What are the differences between the aims and meanings of utopic and dystopic worlds and how do they differ from each other? These questions inspired this exhibition. Really, isn’t every work a utopia or a dystopia?” Fırat Arapoğlu
The Only Place Where You Can Dream…
Mustafa Avcı
Dilan Bozyel
İnsel İnal
Berna Kurt
Maria Papadimitriou
Yusuf Murat Şen
Krassimir Terziev
Curator: Fırat Arapoğlu
Design: Öznur Işır Yarkataş
Translation: Kardelen Erkmen
Artist Utopia 2017 – 27th İstanbul Art Fair
November 4-12, 2017
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